Mom Genes the Podcast Episode #46: The Calories Myth Busted with Vincci Tsui, RD

Today we are busting the age old diet myth that in order to manage your weight it’s a simple math equation of “calories in vs calories out,” or calories expended. The reason this myth is so popular is because it gives people a sense of control. By counting, calculating, tracking, and monitoring: BAM, the solution will be what they desire. The marketers sell the apps, the memberships, the programs by saying “come join us and we will make something complex more simple so you can find control since your relationship with food is confusing and chaotic.” But there are some major flaws in this approach that we unpack in this episode. We review the history of the word “calorie” and it’s origins in the field of industrial agriculture, explain metabolic compensation as well as what to do about food labels. We interview Vincci Tsui, RD @vinccird and she unpacks the science behind why calories work in a lab setting but do not translate to our bodies in simple math! Our bodies are not science experiments and food freedom means letting go of external factors of calorie counting and numbers!


CBC Alberta at Noon – April 15, 2021: Your Stories of Fasting


One Small Bite Podcast Episode 71: Series – Anti-Diet Approaches to New Year’s Resolutions with Vincci Tsui